METHODOLOGY . A.Study Sample and Data Collection In order to test the hypotheses, we choose sales website appearing in the Baidu’s top 10 search results. Furthermore, a certain number of keywords is sorted according to the provided rules, following this the display order of search engine demonstrating the rankings of websites. Among the selected ales websites, as a definite category, the websites of skin care products are the options considered. The rules of keyword selection are as follows: skin care products according to the type of treatment will be divided into the following categories: acne, pimples, freckle, shrinking pores, blackheads and so on. Consequently, keywords of the skin-care category on type of treatment is formatted, which ensured that Internet users searches for the same reason that most of them intend to find websites in contemplation of discovering methods solving skin problems, namely, motivation is derived from general homology. It started when websites is sorted by each of the keywords via Baidu Search Engine search engine; as a result we got 116 websites eventually. B.Measures: The data, Overall links, Website Title Length, Keyword Density, IP, PV, Reach, PV/U, is inquired by means of the third-party measuring tool. Meanwhile, observed by trained personnel, the web sites’ display order in search engine results pages can be compiled; similarly, by inputting incorrect domain names, whether the websites are considered as Customization of 404 Error Pages can be determined. C. Result: We use spss11.5 to produce the data. With regard to the hypotheses testing method, we have considered regression analysis. Regression analysis results are shown in Tab.1. In the model shown in Tab.1, the value of each variable’s variance inflation factor (VIF) is smaller than 10.That means multicollinearity of variables is not serious, which indicates reliable analysis results. From Tab. 1, it is known that Overall Links, Page Size and 404 Error Pages have significant positive effect on IP, PV, Reach as well as Page Interest. Page Size and Overall Links have significant positive effect on Indexed Pages. Title Length, Layer Number and Page Size have significant positive effect on PV/U. Arudhra Innovations SEO Digital Marketing Web Design


This paper has discussed the impact of optimization techniques on the effectiveness of SEO and Page Interest. We have constructed our model and hypotheses by literature review and practical experience, and tested the research hypotheses based on data collected from websites appearing on Baidu Search Engine. Our study shows: Page Size, Customization of 404 Error Pages and Overall Links play an important role in the effectiveness of SEO, which have significant effect on IP, PV, Reach as well as Page Interest. The data of Page Size whose maximum is 139.91 Kilobyte under recommended number (150 Kilobyte) indicate that the bigger size of a page containing more information will be friendly to search engine as well as Page Interest. Page Size not only influences the search engine robot’s crawling a website and downloading speed, but also reflects contents of a website, a factors determining whether users can be attracted. Customization of 404 Error Pages is a tool guiding users to go a further way when browsing websites and a necessity that prevent websites from being punished by search engine owing to being judged cheating. Customization of 404 Error Pages has significant effect on Page Interest, showing that the feedback given might really works on visitors. The number of links does not have a negative effect on Page Interest, illustrating that link optimization could be used to enhance the traffic without reducing users’ interests. What’s more, the Indexed Pages are influenced positively by Page Size and Overall Links without 404 Error Pages. Then, the figures of Indexed Pages shown represent the number of links that are crawled by search engine robot. There are possibilities that Page Size and Overall Links are friendly to the search engine robot’s crawling based on some specific algorithms. Title Length, Layer Number and Overall Links make contributions to PV/U. PV/U represents the number of pages users browse on average. To some extent, PV/U can reflect the interests shown by users. There are possibilities that the more interests shown on the websites, the more pages will be browsed. We can indicate that the Title Length and Layer Number are factors determining the potential pages users will browse, which give the users information at their first glance. Compared with the effectiveness of SEO techniques and Page Interests, the results of the data illustrate that one of the factors Page Size has significant positive effect on both of them. Summery is that bigger size of page within limits can amplify contents of websites without harming the effectiveness of SEO. SEO engineers may focus on the optimization of Page Size. The limitation of this study includes the following aspects. First, the selection of keywords is on skin-care category making it possible that most of the samples are composed of a fraction of people, which has confined the research results’ extension. Further research can conduct probability sampling in varied kinds of websites. Second, techniques of SEO contain strategies about the optimization of not only structure, keywords, content, links but also other aspects. The paper selects some of them to observe. Future research can consider other factors influencing the effectiveness of SEO with the change of search engine algorithm. Third, the data collected are based on Baidu Search Engine, which have confined the research results’ extension to other search engines.

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