Empirical Study on the Search Engine Optimization

Empirical Study on the Search Engine Optimization

Online information search is a ubiquitous and critically important activity in e-commerce. Search engines occupy a prominent position in the online world [1]. Along with the increasing importance of searches, search engine marketing plays greater significant roles in online advertising, and brings about with it the techniques of the SEO. SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website via search results [2]. While the importance of impact of SEO techniques on quality of websites has often been highlighted, much more remains to focus on theory of search engine algorithm. There is little systematic evidence on whether SEO techniques affect different websites. SEO efforts may involve a website’s coding, presentation, structure as well as the strategy of market segmentation and so on. On second thoughts and after referring to the methods adopted by previous studies, SEO techniques are observed from four aspects: structure optimization, keywords optimization, content optimization, and link optimization. Therefore, based on factors measured quantitatively and qualitatively, this paper seeks to analyze the impact of SEO techniques on the effectiveness of SEO, to figure out which technique strategy is most effective, and furthermore, to test the possible influence of SEO techniques on Page Interest. Different from previous relevant research, this paper attempts to evaluate the SEO techniques by means of the third-party measuring tool based on the data collected from 116 websites, and hopes that it can provide data-based conclusion to the future researchers and SEO engineers.

SEO Techniques As a marketing strategy to increase a website’s ranking, SEO considers how search algorithms work and for what people search. After referring to the methods adopted by previous relevant studies, SEO techniques are observed from four aspects: structure optimization, keywords optimization, content optimization, and link optimization [3]. Furthermore, from aspects mentioned above, we choose six techniques of SEO to measure, which are Overall Links, Website Title Length, Keywords Density, Layer Number, Page Size and whether there is Customization of 404 Error Pages.

B.SEO Techniques As a marketing strategy to increase a website’s ranking, SEO considers how search algorithms work and for what people search. After referring to the methods adopted by previous relevant studies, SEO techniques are observed from four aspects: structure optimization, keywords optimization, content optimization, and link optimization [3]. Furthermore, from aspects mentioned above, we choose six techniques of SEO to measure, which are Overall Links, Website Title Length, Keywords Density, Layer Number, Page Size and whether there is Customization of 404 Error Pages. III.RESEARCH HYPOTHESISA.Link Popularity Link popularity is a general representation of the total number of web pages linking to a website, a major factor used by search engines determining a site’s position in search results. We can also learn from the theory Web Impact Factor (WIF) which was developed by Ingwersen to measure the impact of a Web area by the number of links it receives to indicate the importance of Link popularity [6]. Ingwersen defined three types of WIF: (1) internal WIF: the numerator is the number of inlinks counted from within the website; (2) external WIF: the numerator is the number of inlinks from outside the site; (3) overall WIF: the numerator is the number of inlinks from both within and outside the site. In that case, due to the widely spread theory of link analysis, internal links, external links and overall links are considered as influencing factors. Therefore, Overall Link which is defined as the sum of internal links and external links is chosen to describe link popularity to some extent. Hence, we hypothesize the following: H1a: Overall Link has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the SEO. H1b: Overall Link has a positive effect on Page Interest. B.Customization of 404 Error PagesThe Error 404 “Page not found” is the error page displayed whenever someone asks for a page that’s simply not available on the site. It is possible that visitors who encounter a 404 Error Page don’t want to make a second attempt to find the missing page. Therefore, Customization of 404 Error Pages might increase chances of those visitors’ continuingly surfing on the website. Customization of 404 Error Page will be an added feature and advantage to a website. Users would like to compare the difference between what really happened and what had been expected before in the execution and evaluation action cycle. Meanwhile, from the view of “Flow” in psychology, immediate feedback helps users to evaluate whether they make a right decision to get closer to the destination so that users can adjust the step and take next operations, therefore developing user experience [7]. When it comes to SEO techniques, it means that when users encounter a 404 Error Page, they can receive indication on their operation failure and make a further decision according to the indication on page. Hence, Customization of 404 Error Pages installed in perspective can be a friendly feedback to prevent users from bouncing out; following this the traffic can be enhanced. SEO Company Kumbakonam

 Empirical Study on the Search Engine Optimization

Page Size: The concept of “Page Size” is defined as the sum of the file sizes for all the elements that make up a page, including the defining HTML file as well as all embedded objects. Most search engines will not fully index pages that are greater than a certain size. Incidentally, another advantage of restricting the size of page, aside from search engines appreciating smaller pages, is that a smaller file size produces faster downloading speed. The general recommended Page Size is 150 Kilobyte. Therefore, according to the data collected of Page Size, whose maximum is 139.91 Kilobyte, minimum is 0.63 Kilobyte, and mean value is 42.96 Kilobyte, we can make educated guess that Page Size has positive effect on the website within limits (under 150 Kilobyte). Hence, we hypothesize the following: H3a: Page Size has a positive effect on the effectiveness of SEO within limits. H3b: Page Size has a positive effect on the Page Interest within limits. D.Website Title Length The title tag is one of the most important components in search results. Most search engines use the website’s title tag as main contents of the site’s listing on the search results page. Search engines will search the title of a website and determine from them the subject of a website. Furthermore, Title length is also a decisive factor not only for search engine but also users, which gives the brief information to users at their first glance. In addition, considering the recommended Title Length is less than 80 characters, we extrapolate from the data length of website’s title collected whose maximum is 78 Characters, minimum is 6 Characters, and mean value is 27.26 Characters that Title Length has positive effect on the website within limits (fewer than 80 Characters). Hence, we hypothesize the following: H4a: Website Title Length has a positive effect on the effectiveness of SEO within limits. https://arudhrainnovations.com/

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