Analysis of Search Engine Optimization on Reverse Engineering

Analysis of Search Engine Optimization on Reverse Engineering Page rank analysis PageRank is a tool used by Google to determinethe importance of a pageand to compute a rank for every web page [2]. Google describes PageRankas follows, “PageRank reflects our view of the importance of web pages by considering more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms. Pages that we believe are important receive a higher PageRank and are more likely to appear at the top of the search results.”PageRank value ranges from 0 (least important)to 10 (maximum importance). Important page usually receives a higher PageRank, and appears at the top of the search resultswith a higher probability. Based on the PageRank result of all web pages, we get an average PageRank for each classified segment shown in Fig. 1.From Fig. 1, we can see that hotter and higher ranking keywords receive higher PageRank.If a website wants to optimize hot keywords and improve the rank its search position within Google search results, it should be designed following the pattern of Google search engine runs, so the PageRank value of the website could be liftedURL analysisThe URL (Universal Resource Locator) is the literal address of a web site on the Internet. It’s the address that site visitors type into their browser’s address bar to reach he website, or in some cases it’s the link that the users click to find the website. TABLE I. SEOFACTORS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR URLFactorsSuggestionsURL layersGreater than 1, maybe 2 or 3 are bestURL lengthShorter length, should be no longer than 70 charactersKeyword in URLKeyword should appear in the URLThere are four ways in which Googlefinds anew web site.The first and most obvious way is to submit the website’s URL to Googlefor crawling, via the “Add URL” form at second way is when Google finds a link to a new website from anothersite that it has already indexed and subsequently sends its spider to followthe link. The third way is when a new websitesign up for Google WebmasterTools,verify thesite, and submit a sitemap.The fourth (and final) way is when a new websiteredirectsan alreadyindexed webpageto the new page (e.g. using a 301 redirect)[4].In the URL analysis we firstlyparseURLs we getfrom Google search result page,and then analyzethe SEO factors for URLs. We get the following rules to optimize a website (See TABLE I).From TABLE I, we can see, relatively short URL is preferred in the search engine optimization. What’s more, keywords should be included in URL. In this way, the website will be found more easily by the web crawlers.C.HTML analysisFirstly, validate the HTML using W3C guidelines [7]. HTML is a pretty straightforward programming language. However, like any language, a document written in HTML may contain meaningless texts. Although these texts may not affect a web visitor’s experience, they will affect the search rank of the website. Therefore, to optimize a website, an analysis of HTML is necessary to find important factors for SEO.After validating HTML, we analyze HTML itself. At this stage we ignore all tags in the HTML document, and focus on the content only. SEO factors and suggestions for HTML textare shown in TABLE II. In the table, keyword density in HTML means the number of keyword characters divided by the number of total HTML characters

 Analysis of Search Engine Optimization on Reverse Engineering

Finally, we analyze links. Aweb pagewithout links is like an isolatedisland. The first purpose of linksis to connect awebsite to others whichare relevant to theinformation ofthe website.Another reason links are so important is that links into a website from other web sites serveas votes for the value of the website. Usually, the more links that lead to a website, the moreweight a search engine crawler will give the website, which in turn equates to a better search engineranking, especially for search engines such as Google that usesa quality ranking factor such asPageRank

The links leading into a website are called inbound links. In reality, it is difficult to calculate the total number of inbound links. Therefore, in our analysis we mainly parse the outbound links.Outbound links help to establish a website’s expertise in a particular area. Theycan add value to a website by providing usefulinformation to the users, althoughthe website does not have to create the content related to thatinformation. Whenthe website’s visitors clicAnother thing we should mention is that the result of these top 5 factors can’t explain all cases in SEO since the limitation of our data and Google changes their ranking factors from time to time. It’s more important to master the core SEO principle and the analysis method. Web Design Company Kumbakonam

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