Software for the Sewing Industry

Software for the Sewing Industry

The software with the user graphic interface hasbeen developed for the sewing path design in theembroidery industry. This new version of software isan advanced version of the last one and isincorporated many advanced new functions. The mainpurpose of the software is to create an easy andpainless environment for the designer to create theirown artistic sewing pattern with suitable sewing path.The resulting sawing path will be automaticallytransformed into a file with the absolutely or relativelycoordinate value of each stitch point on the sewingpath. The coordinate file will feed into the embroiderymachine for the recreation of the design pattern on thesurface of the product.Commercial graphic software does not provide thesuitable function to transform each stitch point intotheir respective coordinate values. This drawback isresulted in the transformation process to be done byhand and by means of measuring each stitch point bydesignerone point by one point. Most of thedesigned sewing pattern will involve more thanhundreds of stitch points. It is a tedious and error-prone process for the designer and will deprive most ofthe design time away from the designer. This softwarewill provide an immediately help for the designer to dothe painful work of the process of the coordinatetransformation. This will leave the designer to focusonly on the artistic pattern design. VS Sewing Machines

Software for the Sewing Industry

In order to provide an environment with easy designfunction, the proposed software, the sewing path designsoftware, will be based on the simple and friendlygraphic user interface. Figure 1 shows the userinterface for the beginning phase of the designingprocess. The proposed software is incorporated withcommon functions provided by the commercial graphicsoftware and embedded with the special modulesspecifically created for the purpose of the designing thesewing pathGrid processing module: the grid mesh shown onthe Figure 1 is created by the grid processing module.The proper grid density needed to be set carefully dueto its influence on the quality of the sewing path. Imageprocessing module: it is used to import the picture andplaced under the layer of the grid mesh. The adjustmentof the picture can be done by using mouse to enlarge orshrink the picture. Auto-detecting line breaking module:during the process of the sewing path, the software willindex each stitch point sequentially, draw each segmentbetween adjacent stitch points and warn the designer bychanging the color of the segment when the sewingpath extending out of the boundary of the prescribedboundary box, as shown on the Figure 3. Modifyingmodule: the Figure 4 shows the function of themodifying module. It provides the functions of addition,deletion, and movement of each stitch point. And, itincludes the function of the mirror of the part of thedesigning sewing path. Stitch data transforming module:after the user finishing the designing process, thismodule will convert each stitch point into its ownabsolutely coordinate system that will provide thesewing coordinate for the embroidery machine. Figure5 shows one example of the coordinate file. Computersimulating module: it provides the repetition functionon the design sewing path.

The post Software for the Sewing Industry appeared first on Aashee Info Tech.

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