Path Design on the Broidery Industry for the Sewing

Path Design on the Broidery Industry for the Sewing

The proposed software is implemented based onVisual Basic 6 and under WindowXP operating system.The data structure for each stitch point includes thecoordinate of starting points(X1,Y1), VS Sewing Machines the absolutelycoordinate system(X2,Y2), index of the stitch point, andthe next node pointer. A link list is implementing forstoring of information of each line segment [5]. Thelink list is used for the ease of operations of addition,insertion, and deletion. Stacks are utilized for theactions of undo and redoAddition of point: A link list is declared with thedata structure of the coordinate of starting points X1,Y1, absolute coordinate X2, Y2, index number, andnext node field pointing to next node.Insertion of point: Two points constitutes a linesegment. The insertion process is done by inserting apoint on a desired line segment. The newly inserted-point will become a new node and utilized the nextnode field in each node to construct each lineconnection.Deletion of point: The line segment is connectedand the sequential index is labeled onto each stitchpoint. If the deletion is performed on a specific point,the next node field of the last node will be pointing tothe next node to preserve the continuity of sequentialindex of path.hree stacks are created for the undo and redoprocesses. Work stack is stored the information of thepresent action. Undo stack is stored the information ofthe last action. Redo stack is stored the informationabout the next step. The execution of each stack isshown on figure 7.Action: the newly incoming information will addinto the Work stack and move the old information toUndo stack that will reserve for the undo process.Undo: the user executes the undo action, theinformation stored in Work stack will be retrieved andsavedtoRedostackthatwillreservefortheundoprocess. And then, the information stored in Undostack will put into the Work stack for the presence ofinformation of last action for undo.Redo: When the user execute the redo, theinformation stored in Work stack will be retrieved andsaved to Undo stack that will preserve for the undoaction in the future. And then, the information in Redostack will put into Work stack for the completion of theredo action.Snatching to the nearby grid point: The location ofinput stitch point is determined by the location of themouse pointer. The location of mouse pointer istransformed into its corresponding absolute integercoordinate. Figure 8 is the algorithm for the snatchingprocess that is based on 7mm grid setup

 Path Design on the Broidery Industry for the Sewing

Two grid setups, 7mm and 9mm, will be utilizedfor the testing process. The results will compare to thesewing path designed by the drawing softwareCorelDraw 9.The sewing path designed by the CorelDraw 9 willrequire the designer to put the sequential indexmanually on each input stitch point. Furthermore, theabsolute coordinate of each stitch point is measuredand recorded by user. It will need lots of patient andtime for the user to finish just one case of the sewingpath design process. No need to mention about theerrors and inconsistent occurred in the design process.Figure 9 is an example of the sewing path designed byCorelDraw 9.Figure 10 is the one of example of the sewing pathdesigned by the proposed software. Based on the 7mmgrid setup, a base picture is loading into the grid setupregion. User uses the mouse pointer to selection theinput stitch point that will snatch to a nearby grid.Software will label a sequential index on each inputstitch point automatically. Once the design process ofthe sewing path is completed, the absolute coordinatefile, will be generated by the software and will feedthose coordinates into the embroidery machine. Figure11 shows the example of the repetition pattern. Anotherexample, based on 9mm, is shown on Figure 12 thatshows no based picture. In this case, users can designany sewing path by their desires and save it into theabsolute coordinate file.Most users design their own sewing path by usingthe commercial graphic software. Even though thosecommercial graphic software provide high quality usergraphic interface, they do not provide the coordinatetransformation function for each stitch point in the real-time basis. The coordinate transformation done bymanually will acquire lots of workforce and lead to away with error-prone and inconsistence workingprocess for the sewing path design. This projectdevelop a software specifically design for theapplication in the sewing path design. The proposedsoftware is based on the real-time coordinatetransformation and embedded with special functionor the easy of the sewing path design, such as, addition,deletion, movement, mirror, and repetition of thedesigned sewing path. This software includes all theuseful functions for the sewing path design andprovides an easy, time-saving, and cost-economicalway to design the sewing path. And, this software hasbeen implemented into the production line and gainsthe satisfaction results from the sponsored company.

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